Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 8pm

Tuesday: 8am - 8pm

Wednesday: 9am - 8pm

Thursday: 7am - 8pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


December 11, 2020
Dr. Dimitrios Vareldzis

Physical exercise, good nutrition, predictable sleeping habits are all means of reducing stress. Meditation, time management, positive self-talk, a strong social safety net—these help too. One very practical theory suggests that people who feel helpless when it comes to their own lives are easy targets for stress-induced disease.

It may seem like work hard to keep healthy but when we get it right, it’s a job well done.

What does this have to do with dentistry? Those with a sense of control—who are proactive in their self-care—are healthier. Your oral health is related to your whole health. We don't just care about your teeth. We care about all of you!