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Back-to-School Checklist

September 30, 2022
Dr. Dimitrios Vareldzis

Fall is a great time for fresh starts in education, health and life. Here is a PSA with a few timely preventive healthcare reminders for families with kids:

  • Pre-school dental checkup? Help kids flash their best smiles the first days back at school, and remind them of the value of conscientious dental hygiene.
  • Immunization record up-to-date? Make sure your children have all their shots when mingling with dozens of other kids.
  • Tooth-sealing treatment? For kids between 5 and 16 it’s the most up-to-date way of preventing decay to cavity-prone back teeth. Not to mention peace of mind for mom.
  • Schedule orthodontic appointments? If your child needs braces, it's great if you can begin during the summer to give him or her time to get used to them before school starts but sometimes we don't have the luxury of waiting. It's always the right time when it comes to ensuring the health of your child.